Friday, December 28, 2007

oh yeah, and Bush is absurd

Bush is utterly absurd for saying that to not go on with the election supports terrorism. GOING THROUGH with the election KNOWING that it is not free and that it is being controlled through violence and death supports terrorism and terrorists. dumb-dumb.

Benazir Bhutto's death

Benazir Bhutto's death is sad beyond grief for her family and for people who loved her. It is sad for government in general and sad for that region and for the world. Not that I knew so much about her that I think that she was obviously the best person to run the country or anything like that, although, thanks to NPR I did hear a lot about her and heard several interviews with her. It is just the principle that she was killed so that she couldn't even challenge who was running the country. So that she couldn't even try. That she was controlled and her supporters and the citizens of Pakistan were controlled by violence. That is sad beyond grief and I will mourn the freedom that was lost with her death.

There is no way to say that without sounding cheesy. I tried to think of something else.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tis the Holidays

Why are "the holidays" aka just Christmas, really, so darn exhausting? We didn't do as much back to back driving as "normal", but it felt like more. We were with nate's family much more than "normal" and much less than with my family. We, do, however, spend far more time with my family year round.

Maybe it was just how different everything was that made it so much more exhausting, but I just feel like I want to turn all the lights off and sleep for a week. I'm not even really tired - just this sense of wanting to disappear into sleep and away from obligations I create for myself, obligations that take up more time than a reasonable person would spare from essentials like sleeping.