Monday, August 6, 2012

Blogger on iPhone is horrible

Not sure why I was surprised - the whole google mobile app is terrible

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Things lil honeys says

Me: how come you always gotta be a lil sh*t sometimes honeys
Honeys: coping mechanism. Otherwise i'd be too sappy all the time. 

"I'm gonna read a book this summer." (says the humanities teacher)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin - TIME

Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin - TIME

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This is the most depressing news of, well, probably my entire life.

I'm still going to make myself go to the gym.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Google Reader

I can't figure out how to share things on google reader.

I love reading what other people share.

I think it's fun and cool, and its google, so I inherently like it, right?

But why can't I share an article I read in Time magazine last night on there? why can't you put in a link? and why is the subscription only for a top-ten version of the magazine/website.

These things don't make sense to me.

Please, someone, volunteer to show me the ropes. break it down for me.

in the interim,

here is the article:,8599,1913428,00.html

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Jon & Kate, what else

How can Kate be all "super-martyr" when Jon is driving the tractor and working on the project and is literally right there. How can she "pull this ship all on her own" when he's there? When there is just as much imagery of him doing everything she is doing except making sandwiches.
I just don't get it.
I would be fine with their separation/divorce/whatever and feel sort of blah, whatever, about it, but her "i'm a martyr" before it even happens or whenever makes it just sort of offensive.

she seems more and more all PR spin. ridiculous.

Friday, December 28, 2007

oh yeah, and Bush is absurd

Bush is utterly absurd for saying that to not go on with the election supports terrorism. GOING THROUGH with the election KNOWING that it is not free and that it is being controlled through violence and death supports terrorism and terrorists. dumb-dumb.

Benazir Bhutto's death

Benazir Bhutto's death is sad beyond grief for her family and for people who loved her. It is sad for government in general and sad for that region and for the world. Not that I knew so much about her that I think that she was obviously the best person to run the country or anything like that, although, thanks to NPR I did hear a lot about her and heard several interviews with her. It is just the principle that she was killed so that she couldn't even challenge who was running the country. So that she couldn't even try. That she was controlled and her supporters and the citizens of Pakistan were controlled by violence. That is sad beyond grief and I will mourn the freedom that was lost with her death.

There is no way to say that without sounding cheesy. I tried to think of something else.